




Network Extension stopped working with SIP disabled
Whenever I'm working on my content filter for macOS, I usually keep SIP disabled and with developer mode on (systemextensionsctl) as a convenience. The issue: content filter stopped receiving any kind of traffic when SIP is disabled. I don't see any log lines in Console for new flows, and the filter can't block anything, since it doesn't get any flows. Issue started yesterday. I tried several things and did some investigation, here are some findings: Reboot: rebooting did not fix the issue (while keeping SIP disabled). Reenabling SIP fixes the issue for both App Store and Xcode builds. Code: latest published version also stopped working with SIP disabled. This version is stable and confirmed to work as reported by users. Clean Xcode + rebuild did not fix the issue. Lastly, I inspected the logs and did not see any errors standing out. I noticed the filter does get started (startFilter is called) and registered, but after that there are no errors/new flows or anything, just silence (logs below). default 15:22:22.270746-0300 : Calling startFilterWithCompletionHandler com.extension.MyExtension info 15:22:22.270998-0300 Success applying filter settings debug 15:22:22.272705-0300 NESMFilterSession[My Extension:B9F3F30E-E0E0-4E53-8B32-EFC285E3CF6A]: Checking providerBundleIdentifier com.extension.MyExtension for pluginClass 4 debug 15:22:22.272717-0300 Checking for com.extension.MyExtension - default 15:22:22.272728-0300 Found 1 registrations for com.extension.MyExtension ( debug 15:22:22.272778-0300 NESMFilterSession[My Extension:B9F3F30E-E0E0-4E53-8B32-EFC285E3CF6A]: com.extension.MyExtension is registered for pluginClass 4 Here are some additional info about my system: macOS 15.1 Between yesterday and today, the only new Installation is XProtectPlistConfigData at 12:10AM Thanks!
Nov ’24
Content Filter: sourceAppAuditToken empty only for Firefox
Starting on macOS Sequoia, flows originated in Firefox have an empty sourceAppAuditToken. Other apps contain a valid token. Background: in order to fetch process info for a certain NEFilterFlow, my content filter extension uses sourceAppAuditToken, audit_token_to_pid() and proc_* (as recommended in #126820). When that fails, we use SecCodeCopyGuestWithAttributes, recommended in some other thread as a better alternative. Both approaches break when the sourceAppAuditToken is empty since they need the pid. Debugging: My logging shows audit token is empty for Firefox Typical logs from also indicate it fails to fetch the same info I'm looking for: debug 11:22:07.024588-0300 Fetching appInfo from cache for pid: 948 uuid: 5C40B765-C6C9-3641-A822-2BC44D264361 bundle id: (null) debug 11:22:07.024657-0300 Calling delegate lookup handler with pid: 948, uuid: 5C40B765-C6C9-3641-A822-2BC44D264361, bundleID: (null) debug 11:22:07.025856-0300 Could not look up appInfo for pid: 948 bundle id: (null) uuid: 5C40B765-C6C9-3641-A822-2BC44D264361 error 11:22:07.025897-0300 Could not find app info, return the original flow without filling in app info Handling new flow: identifier = D89B5B5D-793C-4940-D992-4E90F2AD1900 procPID = 953 eprocPID = 948 direction = outbound inBytes = 0 outBytes = 0 signature = {length = 32, bytes = 0x4afeafde b484aa0c c5cb8698 0567343d ... 7cdee33e 135666dd } socketID = 19adf2904e92d9 localEndpoint = remoteEndpoint = protocol = 6 family = 2 type = 1 procUUID = 0C68E603-967E-3643-B225-378BD2A655F7 eprocUUID = 5C40B765-C6C9-3641-A822-2BC44D264361 Perhaps there's a bug when generating the audit token or could it be something with the Firefox signature? I double-checked Firefox and it seems fine: $ codesign --verify --verbose /Applications/ /Applications/ valid on disk /Applications/ satisfies its Designated Requirement Not sure if relevant, but codesign with -dv showed different flags in CodeDirectory when compared to chrome: codesign -dv /Applications/ ... CodeDirectory v=20500 size=863 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=18+5 ... Versus chrome CodeDirectory v=20500 size=1821 flags=0x12a00(kill,restrict,library-validation,runtime) hashes=46+7 location=embedded
Nov ’24