This happened for me as well, it waits in compile swift files step almost forever and eventually fails with time out
is it a huge codebase? did you check in which step xcode cloud was stuck in your build?
You can download the logs from artifacts available or you can also check click on the Archive iOS step inside Actions section in the left pane, could give more info
Have faced this earlier and fixed it by adding back Package.resolved file into the repo.
It's not because SPMKit2 doesn't have dependencies but you didn't commit your project's Package.resolved file
don't you use any third party spm in your app? if yes, you need to commit the Package.resolved to remote atleast for the main project's spm packages.
for me using Xcode 15.0.1 for release archive step always timeouts - stops after being idle for 30 minutes
did you guys try updating XCODEBUILD_TIMEOUT env variable?
closest I got is:
it must require a lot of apis to find the values if you have many branches(>200). I'm still unable to get the branch names and gitreferences correctly