




Reply to IPadOS 14.2 Bug
I’m literally confused. At a loss for words.. How can a a trillion dollar company, that has some of the highest paid developers, get their keyboard issues, incessantly wrong.. from the hardware keyboard, to any keyboard (OEM, and bluetooth) disconnecting — still not fixed since 14.0.. My smart folio keyboard keeps cutting out. It’s 14.2 still not fixed... but with more problems for people who spent MORE money. What are these developers doing? Sounds bad, but I’d fire this team. I mean, 3 months of being unable to use a keyboard, now this? Fix this issue ASAP. One of the most expensive products and its’ useless without a keyboard. I avoided the air’s with the faulty keyboard only to end up in another trash can. Do something. Fire that team if you have to. wow.
Nov ’20