




HLS top-positioning (styling) subtitles (IMSC1/TTML) not work as expected
Hi there, Apple devices have issues on showing HLS top-positioning IMSC1 subtitles: Once top-positioning subtitles are shown, the succeeding subtitles will not be shown any more after the position is changed. e.g. expected: bottom->top->top->bottom->bottom->top->... but: bottom->top->top->nothing till the end. Some test results are as follows quickTime : issues as above -- no subs shown after an entry is shown with the top position safari: all entries are displayed at the bottom. But at least it continues to show subtitles after that. tvOS: same as QuickTime iOS: same as safari Based on IMSC1 subtitles (text profile only) It looks like HLS does not support IMSC1 styling. Could anyone tell me whether Apple supports such a styling e.g. subtitles positioning? If not, would Apple support it later? IMSC1 is a W3C recommendation and the only TTML profile that is part of the CMAF specification. I would like to see that support. The following is the sample subtitle: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <tt xml:lang="de" xmlns=""  xmlns:tts="">  <head>   <styling>    <style xml:id="s1" tts:color="white"/>   </styling>   <layout>    <region xml:id="r1"     tts:extent="80% 20%"     tts:origin="10% 70%"     tts:textAlign="center"     tts:wrapOption="noWrap"/>    <region xml:id="r2"     tts:extent="80% 20%"     tts:origin="10% 10%"     tts:textAlign="center"     tts:wrapOption="noWrap"/>   </layout>  </head>  <body>   <div region="r1">   </div>   <div region="r2">    <p xml:id="sub48000" begin="00:00:48.000" end="00:00:49.769">     <span style="s1">26 Angestellte<br/>kamen bei dem Giftmüll-Skandal</span>    </p>    <p xml:id="sub48001" begin="00:00:49.929" end="00:00:52.000">     <span style="s1">in Washington Township ums Leben,<br/>über den ausgiebig berichtet wurde.</span>    </p>   </div>  </body> </tt> I appreciate for replies.
Sep ’20