




Builds do not show in App Store Connect for submission to review
Builds that I submit to the App Store are not showing up in App Store Connect for App Store Review submission. I am submitting builds using Xcode Archive and Distribute steps, which successfully complete. I get an email saying the build has been received and is ready to submit for review. However over 24 hours later the build only displays under TestFlight. There is no way to submit it for review. Previously, unsubmitted builds would display under the App Store tab in the left nav bar (under iOS Apps) with a yellow indicator. None of the builds I have recently uploaded are displaying there. I only see the live build currently in the App Store (with a green indicator). I am submitting with a new app version number and have tried the latest Xcode build from the App Store and the latest beta build. I'm aware there was a recent deployment of a new Connect API that caused some initial problems but there is no error status showing on the App Store system status page: I also note that AppCenter (a third party distribution tool) is having similar problems. Are there ongoing issues with submitting builds, and is there a workaround for submitting new builds for review?
Jul ’22