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In the new CarPlay Parking app category under iOS 14, is it possible to show a spinner when using CPPointOfInterestTemplate and the user changed map region? The reason why we would need this is that we query our servers for parking locations when the user changes map region. There are simply too many possible results for all of them to be loaded onto the device before opening CPPointOfInterestTemplate.
by sschmitt.
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4 Replies
Is it possible to show a UIActivityIndicatorView or other loader class in a CarPlay Parking app? I saw that one doesn't have access to the CPWindow in a Parking app -- only in navigation apps. So there doesn't seem to be a way to attach a subView to something. I also went through the CPTemplates that are available to Parking apps searching for functions that might suggest that they would display a loader but couldn't find anything. In the interface guidelines it mentions - showing loaders in CarPlay apps. So I'm thinking there must be a way to do so. Unless this human interface guideline page only applies to navigation apps only.
by sschmitt.
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Using iOS 14 and the Parking app category, is it possible to control the zoom level of the map in CPPointOfInterestTemplate? There are cases where certain coordinates don't have parking suggestions in which cases the map is usually zoomed out all the way by the system.
by sschmitt.
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When selecting a pointOfInterest is it possible to center the map on the location of the point of interest? I looked at the CPPointOfInterestTemplate but it doesn't seem to provide access to the underlying map instance. In our parking app we have cases where 3 or more pointsOfInterest are shown on the map, but the list pane is either overlapping the pins on the map or the pins are outside the screen.
by sschmitt.
Last updated