Hi everyone, I am trying to compress my data using LZMA2 with the help of CocoaPods.
Here are the steps I followed to achieve LZMA2 compression:
Added the pod 'SWCompression', '~> 4.8' dependency to my Podfile and installed the pod using the terminal.
When I try to compress the data using LZMA2, I am unable to do so because in SWCompression, LZMA2 compression is marked as TBD (To Be Determined).
Here is the current status of SWCompression:
Deflate BZip2 LZMA/LZMA2 LZ4
Decompression ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
Compression ✅ ✅ TBD ✅
Zlib GZip XZ ZIP TAR 7-Zip
Read ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅
Write ✅ ✅ TBD TBD ✅ TBD
Since LZMA2 compression is still marked as TBD, is there any other way to achieve LZMA2 compression for my data in SwiftUI?