I had this issue Xcode 14.3.1 on macOS Ventura this week. I had the App Store team update my identifier to use my team Id as a prefix (it was old, before this was an option). Also I had to then regenerate my profile and go through and release it to the store by selecting Manual signing instead of automatic. Only then would it see the team id prefix in com.apple.application-identifier instead of the old prefix.
Hopefully this helps someone!
I have the opposite problem! I can't turn Bluetooth ON! (MBP 13 TouchBar 2016), since beta 8. I have no bluetooth at all. I think the upgrade did some kind of firmware update to the BT controller and finished my bluetooth off. FB9712507.
OK, thanks for the that, and the additional info. I figured there must be some reason I couldn't see it in Xcode!