




Reply to Captive portal screen is not appearing when first time connecting to wifi with System Extension
Hello Matt, Thank you for your suggestions and observations. some captive portals might use 8443 or any other port In my testing I am intercepting the 80 and 443 traffics only and other port traffics are handled by OS itself. So, other ports (like 8443 or any other ports) are open for captive portal to use. Still we are getting ‘Network is unreachable’. try opening up things up and returning false in handleNewFlow` to let the OS handle these requests For testing purpose, I have already tried returning 'false' from handleNewFlow(), but in this scenario also we are not getting the Captive Portal default page. We already reported a bug for the same- FB9973407. This issue is impacting many users and have escalated to highest level. Will appreciate if this can be taken up soon.
Apr ’22
Reply to Captive portal screen is not appearing when first time connecting to wifi with System Extension
Hello Matt, Here is our inline response of your queries- what is the result of this? By default we get the captive portal web page if System extension is disabled, but with System extension, captive portal web page is not coming up. Are users not able to join the network or does it allow anyone to join? User is not able to access internet if the user is not logged in, which has to be done with captive portal web page. So, user can't browse anything through safari. are you able to see anything in the system logs when this takes place? We were able to gather some logs for the same, we are attaching the logs. We are getting- 'kernel: (2944957949): failed to get a local IPv4 address: 51' systemLogs
Apr ’22