I see, thank you. So there is no way to get the current scroll position?
Hey there, I was experimenting with this last night and I found a few interesting things: When you create an CGEventTap, you specify CGEventTapOptions (https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coregraphics/cgeventtapoptions) Specifying defaultTap triggers the Accessibility permission request, while specifying listenOnly triggers the Input Monitoring permission request.
If the app already has the Accessibility permission, the app already has permission for Input Monitoring, so the Input Monitoring request doesn't come up
If the app is granted the Input Monitoring Permission, AXIsProcessTrusted returns false. I found that if I request the Accessibility permission (with the input monitoring already enabled), the prompt doesn't come up.
That's all I've found, hope it helps someone!
I also have this issue. I'm using NSPersistentCloudKitContainer, is that something y'all are using too?
Filed: FB9215275