




Check permission granted for accessing local network?
I have searched the web for hours but can not find a way to request local network permission in my app. I have added NSLocalNetworkUsageDescription to info.plist but I can not find a way to trigger a dialog prompt to request access or handle things gracefully. I have a UDP socket that opens when the user presses go however on first installs the privacy prompt appears when the socket opens, after the user pressed go, so now there is a prompt shown in front of everything while the session and timers are now running. Is there any way to prompt the user for network access prior to starting a session? My impression is that without this ability it's just bad UX and I think most users will be very confused when prompt appears while also session starts running but the network is inaccessible. I think I saw other similar forum topics but none of them had solutions, is there a solution now in 2022 or any way to help improve the user experience of my app? Id like to somehow request network access with a way to handle the result programmatically?
Feb ’22
How to share my app with my community?
Hello, I am a Unity game developer and have recently released a game for PC and have establish a modest sized community. Recently I have written a Swift application designed to interface my Iphone with my game to display realtime stats and controls similar to a remote control app. I am very new to IOS programming but have been developing a Swift app for a few months and I believe I am ready to share with my community. Can I allow users an option to beta test my app? Is there a limit to the number of beta testers? How would I go about uploading my app? And how would I supply somone (or a group) with a link to test the app? Thanks !!
Sep ’20