Greetings everyone,
we have a problem testing remote notifications to our app runing in an iOS simulator, which should be possible for quite a while now. (
We made sure of the following prerequisites
The system requirements (recent XCode, recent MacOS, Silicone Processor) are met
The app build is set to testing
The app is in fact generating a devicetoken and sendig it to our backend
We are sending our requests to the environment
Nonetheless, we always receive a status 400, error "BadDeviceToken" response from the APNS service.
Doing the same with a physical device works like a charm, ie the message is received without any problems.
We also tried sending the same device token to a production environment, but got the same 400/BadDeviceToken error. Also the simulator-generated token does not look distorted, ie it's also just a HEX string with the same length as the working token of the physical device.
Is there anything else we need to check for this to work?