




Reply to Network.framework for peer to peer connection in background mode
Thanks for your response on this. But again questions remain same : is the Netowork.framework solely for user-centric activities where sessions must be started and maintained with foreground app usage and it doesn't support background activity ? Application coming from background and not able to receive data , how to ensure this ? ( In other words how to handle the reconnection issue ) do we need to find some sort of algorithm to handle this ? Is there any limitation of how many devices can work in peer to peer using Network.framework ?
Sep ’22
Reply to Network.framework for peer to peer connection in background mode
Thanks for your response , doing the same. Once the application moves to background mode it close the connection. Kindly help me on these questions : If Device1 sent data and Device2 is in background mode - is it possible for Device2 to receive data once come back to foreground mode [considering the current implementation using TCP based connection]? If Aeroplane mode is enabled [wifi is enabled]or disabled does it have any impact in the Network.framework connection ( experienced connection lost in this case ) ?
Sep ’22