




Trouble with AppleScript Permissions and ShazamKit Integration in macOS App
Hello fellow developers, I am developing a macOS app called "Playlist Plunderer 2," aimed at using AppleScript to control the Music app to play songs and employing ShazamKit to recognize these songs and update their metadata. Despite setting up the entitlements and plist files correctly, I'm encountering issues with gaining the necessary AppleScript permissions, and my app is not appearing under 'Automation' in System Preferences. Additionally, ShazamKit fails to match songs, consistently returning error 201. Here are the specifics of my setup and what I've tried so far: Xcode Version: 15.4, macOS 14.1.2 Entitlements Configured: Includes permissions for Apple events, audio input, and scripting targets for the Music app. Capabilities: ShazamKit and ScriptingBridge frameworks integrated, set to "Do Not Embed." Info.plist Adjustments: Added "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description." Scripting: Manual AppleScript commands outside of Xcode succeed, but the app's scripts do not trigger. Entitlements File: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <true/> <key></key> <dict> <key></key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> </dict> </dict> </plist> I am having issues controlling the music app (itunes) from the apple script within my xcode project. the objective of the app is to rewrite the metadata of songs inside a folder in my Music app, this folder is titled Playlist Plunderer. The way I intend for the app to function is, the app will play the songs in the playlist, and then it will use shazamkit to recognize the song thats playing, it will then copy the metadata results of that song to rewrite the metadata of the song in the music playlist. I am still in the beginning stages. and I am very new to xcode. I created a apple developer account, paid the $99 and it is active, and I added the identifier bundle to the account from my app. I am VERY new to xcode,(this is my first project) my development team is set ( Shane Vincent), and the app is set to automatically manage signing, under app sandbox. i have audio input checked, under hardened runtime/ resource access audio input is checked. in build settings the path to the info.plist file is correct, the info.plist contains Privacy - Microphone Usage Description that I added i think it was called NSMmicriphone or something, with a description that reads "This app needs to access the microphone to identify songs using ShazamKit." the app appears under System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Microphone but not under System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation it is being made on macOS 14.1.2 (23B92) and xcode Version 15.4 (15F31d) Under framework library, and embedded content, I have added two frameworks, Shazamkit.framework, and ScriptingBridge.framework, both set to do not embed Current Issue: AppleScript fails to authorize with the Music app, and ShazamKit errors suggest an issue with song matching. Has anyone faced similar challenges or can offer guidance on how to ensure AppleScript and ShazamKit function correctly within a sandboxed macOS app? Any insights into troubleshooting or configuring entitlements more effectively would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help!
Jul ’24