




Sequoia - Messages not receiving after 7+ hrs of uptime
Issue: Using Messages in macOS Sequoia, I stop receiving any messages after 7+ hrs of the system being on. Troubleshooting: any messages sent to the target account doesn't show up when this issue occurs. I'm able to send messages from the target account which is received. only way to get it working is to reboot the computer but those messages sent never arrive to the target account even after reboot. upon reboot the behavior functions as expected. however the issue returns after 7hrs+ after reboot. logout and log back in when the system is in this state doesn't resolve the issue. only a reboot but the issues eventually returns. note the 7hrs+ is tested and is more accurately 7-10 hrs.
Dec ’24
macOS - AppleScript + shell script + calendar alarm not returning value but working in automator
So I have a shell script called > which gets the last time time machine successfully backed. This works fine in the shell, script editor, automator doesn't work as a calendar alarm. I'm unsure why the "do shell script" line is not working #!/bin/sh enabled=`/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/ AutoBackup` if [ "$enabled" == "1" ];then lastBackupTimestamp=`date -j -f "%a %b %d %T %Z %Y" "$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print Destinations:0:SnapshotDates" /Library/Preferences/ | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 | awk '{$1=$1};1')" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` echo "$lastBackupTimestamp" else echo "<result>Disabled</result>" fi My calendar alarm Automator > New > Calendar alarm > run apple script Calendar Alarm AppleScript on callDateSeperator(dateChange) set yN to text 1 thru 4 of (dateChange as text) set mN to text 6 thru 7 of (dateChange as text) set dN to text 9 thru 10 of (dateChange as text) return {yN, mN, dN} end callDateSeperator on run {input, parameters} set timeMachineLastDate to (do shell script "sh ~/Desktop/") set tmDate to callDateSeperator(timeMachineLastDate) display dialog (item 1 of tmDate) & (item 2 of tmDate) & (item 3 of tmDate) return input end run I have given full disk access to automator calendar error: this error comes because "timeMachineLastDate" has no value. The action: "Run AppleScript" encountered an error: Can't get text 1 thru 4 of ""."
Jan ’21