




how to Implement read and write functionality in DriverKit for IOUserUSBDriver class.
Hi,I am trying to Write a sample serial driver for mac os Catalina, Since all these kind of drivers has to be moved to User Space (as per wwdc 2019). So I am Planning to use driver kit, usb serial driver Kit and Serial driver kit.i am using IOUserUSBSerial as my parent class for my driver.I am not fully clear about data transfer in Dext.There is TxDataAvailable function for transmitting data. But is override and final function. So i am not able to override the function to handle data transfer. void TxDataAvailable() override final;in the forum description says --> "The default implementation of this method initiates an asynchronous operation to transmit the buffered data to the device." So i dont need to handle the data transfer in my driver? does IOUserUSBSerial class handles the data transfer internally? how it send/receive data to/from the application layer?or do i need override data transfer function (TxDataAvailable) of IOUserSerial? (IOUserSerial is the parent class of IOUserUSBSerial class)If i have to override IOUserSerial::TxDataAvailable() function, how to get the water mark(low, high) states? and do i need to have circular buffers for data intermediate storage?I need more clarity on below functions too.1) handleRxPacket2) RxFreeSpaceAvailable3) handleInterruptPacket.I checked below link , but still i am not fully clear how to implement read/write. i advance.
Apr ’20
when plist will get added to the registry?
HiI am trying to Write a Serial/ACM driver for mac os Catalina Since all these kind of drivers has to be moved to User Space (as per wwdc 2019). So I am Planning to use driver kit, usb serial driver Kit and Serial driver kit.I am new to KEXT and DEXT.I have a doubt regarding plist.In our kext driver during driver initialization, getProperty reads from registry. So when plist items gets added to the registry?
Apr ’20