




Reply to Apple Sign-In "Continue with Password"
Hey,i can confirm that we at Yazio have the same Issue and our Support gets a lot of Messages regarding this bug. We have not changed the Sign in with Apple code since a while and have the exact same feeling that this started on all Watch Series when WatchOS 6.1.3 was released.The support team is doing the same and telling the customers to unpair and pair their watch.BestSebastian
May ’20
Reply to Sign in with apple - Multiple public keys returned
Get the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential from the delegate// ASAuthorizationControllerDelegate publicfunc authorizationController(controller: ASAuthorizationController, didCompleteWithAuthorization authorization: ASAuthorization){ ... }Get the String encoded JWT from the credential:String(data: credential.identityToken, encoding: .utf8)Go to and decode the JWT// Header { "kid": "eXaunmL", "alg": "RS256" } // Payload { "iss": "", "aud": "***", "exp": 1581598403, "iat": 1581597803, "sub": "***", "c_hash": "***", "email": "***", "email_verified": "true", "auth_time": 1581597803 }In the header you can see the "kid".This kid will match with one of the kid from{ "keys": [ {...}, { "kty": "RSA", "kid": "eXaunmL", "use": "sig", "alg": "RS256", "n": ..., "e": "AQAB" }, {...} ] }At some point you are sending the identityToken to your backend. Your backend has to check the header to get the correct kid to get the correct key from the auth/keys. So you have to fix the issue on the backend.
Feb ’20