




Reply to Can I hand Matter commissioning over to the Home App?
Thank you for replying Kevin. I'm a few steps removed from the hardware guys working through the integration and had to piece together details on my own, and assumed I had to go through MatterSupport.framework to onboard a device. With your code hints I was able to get the right combination going to allow the user to simply add the device to their existing home from within our app. let parser = MTRQRCodeSetupPayloadParser(base38Representation: "MT:E9.01EEI141RUX5.210") let request = HMAccessorySetupRequest() request.matterPayload = try? parser.populatePayload() let manager = HMAccessorySetupManager() manager.performAccessorySetup(using: request) { result, error in // handle result } FYI, you may want to add a hint to users about this to the top of the main article about how to "Onboard a Matter device". It might save some other poor dev like me from chasing the wrong solution.
Oct ’24