Sadly no. It's broken in the released version of iOS 15.4 as well 😞
I'd love to see how you're making this work in a WKWebView. When I try (with a form button or a CSS button) it doesn't work.
That's what we're all wondering
The tel URL scheme doesn't take slashes actually. Try tel:0123456. Or let iOS figure it out for you:
var comps = URLComponents()
comps.scheme = "tel"
comps.path = "0123456"
guard let url = comps.url else {
assertionFailure(); return
}, options: [:]) { success in
if !success {
NSLog("*** Open URL (url.absoluteString) failed")
fwiw this didn't work for me on actual device.
I framed it as an accessibility issue, which it is. Older users or users with cognitive impairment have a hard time navigating several layers deep into Settings, remembering where they're supposed to go, etc.