I framed it as an accessibility issue, which it is. Older users or users with cognitive impairment have a hard time navigating several layers deep into Settings, remembering where they're supposed to go, etc.
fwiw this didn't work for me on actual device.
The tel URL scheme doesn't take slashes actually. Try tel:0123456. Or let iOS figure it out for you:
var comps = URLComponents()
comps.scheme = "tel"
comps.path = "0123456"
guard let url = comps.url else {
assertionFailure(); return
UIApplication.shared.open(url, options: [:]) { success in
if !success {
NSLog("*** Open URL (url.absoluteString) failed")
That's what we're all wondering
I'd love to see how you're making this work in a WKWebView. When I try (with a form button or a CSS button) it doesn't work.
Sadly no. It's broken in the released version of iOS 15.4 as well 😞