I watched 10+ sessions on visionOS, excitedly installed Xcode 15, and just like you I can't create a target for visionOS.
Turns out, the SDK is not ready yet.. Other than this webpage, nowhere else tell us it will only be released later https://developer.apple.com/visionos/
Same here. It's a world wide issue.
Can someone raise this in WWDC 2023?
ProcessInfo.processInfo.isMacCatalystApp returns true for:
Mac app built with Mac Catalyst, or
iOS app running on Apple silicon
If you specifically wants to know for (2), then use ProcessInfo.processInfo.isiOSAppOnMac
This is confusing. Now the original static tab cannot be navigated with CMD+SHIFT+{.
I can create new static tab with CMD+T, but CMD+W will close these document/dynamic tab.
Is there a shortcut for navigating the static tabs?