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Hi, I watched the WWDC23 session video, "Create 3D models for Quick Look spatial experiences." In the video, I understood that the scale of models displayed using visionOS's AR Quick Look is determined by referencing the "metersPerUnit" value in USDZ files. I tried to find tools to set the "metersPerUnit" in 3D software or tools to view the "metersPerUnit" in USDZ files, but I couldn't find any. I believe adjusting the "metersPerUnit" in USDZ is crucial to achieve real-world scale when displaying models through visionOS's AR Quick Look. If anyone knows of apps or tools that can reference USDZ's "metersPerUnit" or 3D editor apps or tools that allow exporting with the "metersPerUnit" value properly reflected, I would greatly appreciate the information. Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hello, I am writing to you today to inquire about my application for the Apple Vision Pro Developer Kit. I submitted my application three times, but each time the application page displayed the text "%%USE_I18N_STRING_ERROR%%". After I submitted my application, the page I was redirected to said "We'll be back soon". I am not sure if my application was successful. I have not received any email confirmation. Would you be able to check the status of my application and let me know if there is anything else I need to do? Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I have one question. The following shadow is shown on the simulator whether it is set in the ContentView of the Window in visionOS or not. Even if I define the shadow in the ContentView and change the color, radius, x, and y, there is no change at all. I think that shadow is not enabled. Is this because it is a visionOS simulator? Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, If you write the sample code for the gesture in the following document and try to execute it, an error will occur. Value of type '(@escaping (TapGesture.Value) -> Void) -> _EndedGesture' has no member 'targetedToAnyEntity' Is something missing? XCode 15.0 beta 2 (15A516b) visionOS 1.0 beta import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct SphereSecondView: View { @State var scale = false /*var tap: some Gesture { TapGesture() .onEnded { _ in print("Tap") scale.toggle() } }*/ var body: some View { RealityView {content in let model = ModelEntity( mesh: .generateSphere(radius: 0.1), materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .yellow, isMetallic: true)]) content.add(model) } update: { content in if let model = content.entities.first { model.transform.scale = scale ? [2.0, 2.0, 2.0] : [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] } } .gesture(TapGesture().onEnded .targetedToAnyEntity() { _ in scale.toggle() }) } } #Preview{ SphereSecondView() } Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I have a question about Immersion Style. It is about progressive. I understand that by specifying progressive in Immersion, it is possible to mix mixed and full, but when is this used, for example, as in the WWDC23 movie where the person watching the movie on the screen gradually switches the room to space, or in the Digital Crown where the person is watching a movie on the screen and the room gradually changes to space? For example, when a person is watching a movie on the screen and the room gradually changes to space, as in the WWDC23 movie, or when the room gets darker and darker as the Digital Crown is adjusted, or when the room goes completely dark? Please let me know if you have a video, sample code, or explanation that shows an example of progression. By the way, is it possible to get the event of operating the Digital Crown from the application? Thanks. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I run full immersive in the visionOS simulator and enable full immersive, but pass-through is still enabled. same behavior as mixed. Is there a bug in the visionOS simulator that prevents the pass-through with full immersive from being disabled? Thanks. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I have a question about Apple Vision Pro's support for Unity programmable shaders. Shaders applied to Material are not supported. RenderTextures are supported. (Can be used as texture input to Shader Graph for display through RealityKit.) Regarding the above, are Shared Space, Full Space, and Full immersive space all covered? Is Full immersive space irrelevant because it is Metal and not RealityKit? Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I am currently watching the Create immersive Unity apps video from WWDC23. I am posting this question because a question arose while watching the video. First, look at the following, which is explained in the session Because you're using Unity to create volumetric content that participates in the shared space, a new concept called a volume camera lets you control how your scene is brought into the real world. A volume camera can create two types of volumes, bounded and unbounded, each with different characteristics. Your application can switch between the two at any time.   Your unbounded volume displays in a full space on this platform and allows your content to fully blend with passthrough for a more immersive experience. At first, we explain that there are two types of volumetric content in Shared Space: bounded volume and unbounded volume. However, when we get to the description of unbounded volume, it is changed to Full Space. Is Full Space correct for unbounded volume, not Shared Space? Best regards. P.S. I felt uncomfortable with the title Create immersive Unity apps. The first half of the presentation was about Unity development and Shared Space's Bounded Volume, and I felt that Bounded Volume apps are far from immersive. Apple's definition of immersive in spatial computing was vague. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, Will the Apple Vision Pro developer kit be sold only in the US? I live in Japan. Is it possible to get the Apple Vision Pro developer kit in Japan? Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I have one question. When creating a web page, is there a way to determine that it is being accessed from Safari on visionOS? I would also like to know the user agent for Safari on visionOS. If there is more than one way to determine this, such as JavaScript and web server, please tell us all. Cases where it is used include changing the page layout in the case of Safari on visionOS, changing the processing method when dynamically generating HTML pages on a web server, and judging Quick Look. Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I have a question about Apple Vision Pro specifications. HWhat are the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal FOV degrees of Vision Pro? How many cm does Vision Pro's Near clipping plane support? How many meters does Vision Pro's Far clipping plane support? Does eye tracking, authentication, etc. work properly for people wearing contact lenses? At what age can Vision Pro be worn? Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Hi, I have one question: you explained Shared Space at the beginning of the session video, but I didn't really understand it. Is this Shared Space like the Dock on a Mac? Are applications placed in the Shared Space and the operation is to launch the application placed in the Shared Space ? Why is the word "Shared" included, or is there a function to do Shared? "By default, apps launch into Shared Space." By default, apps launch into the Shared Space. What is the default? What is the non-default state? "People remain connected to their surroundings through passthrough." What does the above mean on visionOS? By the way, is the application that starts on the Shared Space the so-called clock, or does the Safari browser also work on the Shared Space? What kind of applications can only run on Full Space? I don't have an image of the role of each function on visionOS. If possible, it would be easier to understand if there is an actual image of the application running, not just a diagram. Best regards. Sadao Tokuyama
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Volumes allow an app to display 3D content in defined bounds, sharing the space with other apps What does it mean to be able to share space in Volumes? What are the benefits of being able to do this? Do you mean Shared Space? I don't understand Shared Space very well to begin with. they can be viewed from different angles. Does this mean that because it is 3D content with depth, if I change the angle, I can see it with depth? It seems obvious to me because it is 3D content. Is this related to Volumes?
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Hi One point I would like to ask. How many specs do you need and which Mac would you recommend for Apple Vision Pro development? We use XCode, RealityKit, ARKit, Reality Composer Pro, Unity Editor which supports visionOS development, and MaterialX. If possible, what notebook and desktop models do you recommend? Best regards Sadao Tokuyama
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Has the problem of the black background when taking a picture with the AR Quick look function in iOS 15 been resolved? I think it's a rather serious bug. On an iOS 15 device, go to the Quick Look page below and display any of the multiple 3D models in AR Quick Look; the background will be black when you take a picture with the AR Quick Look shooting function. There are similar events below, but they do not seem to be addressed at all.
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