




Is an Anonymous DUNS number possible?
It seems that a DUNS number is attached to your name, and any entity can lookup your business and see the attached info, though it might be behind a paywall. Does anyone know anyway to do this more anonymously, so that my name doesn't have to necessarily be attached to it. I have an anonymous LLC through a registered agent, but I don't think registered agents can make DUNS numbers for you.
Still a little confused about making an apple developer account with an LLC?
I already have an LLC setup, I just wanted to ask some questions to get a better idea of how to enroll in to apple developer. Do I just make a completely separate apple ID than my personal one? And then start to enroll in the apple developer program with that? Is that okay to do? In here, it says "We recommend that your Apple Account uses your email address from your organization", but it also says "Your work email address needs to associated with your organization’s domain name". Is this a requirement or recommendation? Will my normal phone number work? I know I need DUNS, but do I need to get my EIN and/or business bank account setup before enrolling? For my trader info, for EU compliance, is it just gonna grab the email and phone number from my account, or will I have a chance to choose another email I'm fine with displaying publicly. Because if so I'd have to figure out how to get some kind of business phone number as well. I know that is a lot of questions, if you just know the answer to one of them that is okay, thank you!