the same problem here. removed AdMob and caused this to occur. Apple, please could you either fix this bug, clarify this issue, or at least respond in this thread.
I have been using the new M1 MBP to develop and test iOS apps on my Mac by building to the "My Mac (Designed for iPad)" option. I have done this many many times and everything worked fine and perfectly well until yesterday when I got the error "Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile" doesn't include the currently selected device "Ryan's MacBook Pro" (identifier XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX)". I have made no changes to the project that would affect this that I know of, It builds just fine on the iPhone Simulators, but I would like to use the "My Mac (Designed for iPad)" option. I don't know if this might have affected it, but I happened to not be connected to the internet the first time I experienced issues and Xcode told me "Device "Ryan’s MacBook Pro" isn't registered in your developer account." and prompted me register my device it when it actually was registered on my developer account, it just didn't know since I was offline.