I have created an Intent with openAppWhenRun = true, defined a String? parameter and tried to get a value for it through $myParameter.requestDisambiguation in perform method
Then I created Shortcut for my Intent
When I call my Shortcut from lockscreen this happens:
iPhone asks to unlock
I unlock it
Application opens
Nothing happens
In debugger I can see that $myParameter.requestDisambiguation executes but nothing happens then. It seems that my application is awaiting $myParameter.requestDisambiguation forever
When running shortcut with iPhone being already unlocked, everything works fine. Application opens and I can see disambiguation dialog.
If I remove $myParameter.requestDisambiguation call, everything works fine as well
What am I doing wrong? Or maybe it is a bug and there is any workaround?
My code snippet:
struct SampleIntent: AppIntent {
static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true
static let title: LocalizedStringResource = "Start sample intent"
@Parameter(title: "Test", description: "Test")
var test: String?
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
let choice = try? await $test.requestDisambiguation(among: ["One", "Two", "Three"])
print("Perform method called")
return .result(dialog: "Done")
struct SampleShortcuts: AppShortcutsProvider {
static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] = [
intent: SampleIntent(),
phrases: [
"Hello \(.applicationName)"