The console output is attached (I can't edit the original question)
Console output -
Got it, thanks!
So the only remaining question is about managed.vpn.shared
Thanks Matt!
Regarding "Therefore when you access an App Group or Keychain Group in this context you are accessing a different container than the container app or app extension is."
So that means I can't save something at the userDefaults and read it at the App Extension.
Is there any way that some info can be saved at the containing app, and the system extension will have access to this information?
(not a message between the app and the sys extension, but a write at the app, and read at a later stage at the extension)
Hi @meaton, any updates on this one?
Great, I don't know how I missed it!
Fixed it now, thank you very much!
(P.S - missed it because I'm using exit(0) to terminate the Extension, to fix a bug where connecting 'very fast' after last disconnection would cause disconnection after 20 sec)
Thanks Matt!
I've added logs to this bug report.
P.S - since fixing this issue/ finding a workaround is important to us, will it help to speed things up if I'll request a DTS?
Follow up: I tried to remove all the //handle packets code, so for testing purposes, this is the function:
func readPacketsFromTUN(_ packets: [Data], protocols: [NSNumber]) {
	packetFlow.readPackets { inPackets, inProtocols in
		 self.readPacketsFromTUN(inPackets, protocols: inProtocols)
And the problem still reproduces.
Removing the repeated calls to packetFlow.readPackets, will "fix" the problem and deinit will be called.
Isn't it suggesting about some memory leak at the extension?
Reproduced also on macOS 10.15.7, I submitted bug FB8938775
Thanks for the reply! Just in case you missed it, I also submitted a DTS request - 752661142.
As for your questions - I'm working with DTLS protocol:
For sending traffic - I'm reading data from the packetFlow, adding to it some headers, using openSSL and send it.
For the other side I'm doing the opposite - I'm getting it decrypted via openSSL, removing some headers, and only then writing it to the packetFlow. I'm not working with Data directly, I'm getting a char* (C string), hence the conversion I have to make. Also, in case it's relevant - I'm writing to packetFlow one packet at a time (and not array full of packets).
And as you said, I'm not seeing any leaks, but I'm not sure if it's ok that the app will have a huge physical footprint
P.S - regarding the autoreleasepool, it's becoming a very big pool, I'm not sure it drains correctly.
I've submitted a DTS -
Using Instruments, I can see a lot of small allocations around packetFlow.writePackets().
Can you please look at this short (and simplified) code and check if something is wrong? I can also submit a DTS for this case if needed.
This is the relevant code: ondatarecv_fn() is a callback function from C, with a pointer to one packet.
I'm converting the pointer into a Data, and write it to the packetFlow.
I've added the autorelease there because without it - the app physical footprint is huge. But I think that after some time the VPN is connected, this autorelease pool causes other problems.
Without this autorelease there are many Data() allocations.
func on_data_recv_fn(_ buf: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?, length: CInt, user_data: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> CInt {
var succeededWriting = 0
buf?.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: Int(length), { bufAddress in
autoreleasepool {
let data = Data(bytes: bufAddress, count: Int(length))
succeededWriting = PacketTunnelProvider.sharedInstance.packetFlow.writePackets([data], withProtocols: [PacketTunnelProvider.protocolTypeIPv4])
return CInt(succeededWriting)
I captured the traffic coming to the device. The URL is correct. However, at the appDelegate application(_ app: , url: , options:) function, the URL is with the '#' at the end.
Any idea what's causing this?
Thanks for the suggestion, but what do you mean by "start with readPackets" ? It's used for reading IP packets from the TUN interface, but it can't fail / report error in any way AFAIK
I reproduced the error (on macOS 10.15.7) and opened a bug - FB8831327
@meaton - regarding "It is absolutely possible to distribute Developer ID Network Extension apps outside the Mac App Store" - are you sure it's possible to distribute Network Extension apps with Developer ID outside the Mac App Store? Or did you mean to Network System Extension?
Edit: I'm talking about Packet tunnel providers,
according to
Packet tunnel providers are supported in iOS and in macOS for Mac App Store apps only.