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First post here! I am a relatively new dev, I created an app which uses Apple Sign In on an iPhone using Xamarin, once the user signs-in I get back credentials including a Token and a UserId, the following is an excerpt of the c# code. tcsCredential = new TaskCompletionSource<ASAuthorizationAppleIdCredential>(); var creds = await tcsCredential.Task; var appleAccount = new AppleAccount(); appleAccount.Token = new NSString(creds.IdentityToken, NSStringEncoding.UTF8).ToString(); appleAccount.Email = creds.Email; appleAccount.UserId = creds.User; appleAccount.Name = NSPersonNameComponentsFormatter.GetLocalizedString(creds.FullName, NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterStyle.Default, NSPersonNameComponentsFormatterOptions.Phonetic); appleAccount.RealUserStatus = creds.RealUserStatus.ToString();With Facebook login, I have to register my app in their developer site, put in my bundle ID and then I can post my facebook authtoken to get back user name and email data.My question is, now that I have an Apple token and UserId, what is the endpoint that I need to post this data to get back the full name and the email address of said logged in user? And where, if any, do I need to register my app so that this apple endpoint works?I thought it was this, but I am unclear about the client_id and secret.
by reza2112.
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