Hello Eskimo, thank you for your prompt response.
Regarding the questions:
Yes, I have tested it on iOS 16.3 and it did not work, It only works on iOS versions below 16.
I am using Flutter in my application, but it is not clear which API is being utilized.
Yes, I am receiving the following errors: "SocketException (SocketException: Send failed (OS Error: No route to host, errno = 65), address =, port = 0)"
I am sending and receiving data, my app searches for a TV on the same network, and after connecting, I send data to the TV.
The exception occurred during the initial flow, when searching for a TV.
Here is a part of my code implementation:
final InternetAddress _ipv4Multicast = new InternetAddress("");
final InternetAddress _ipv6Multicast = new InternetAddress("FF05::C");
List<RawDatagramSocket> _sockets = <RawDatagramSocket>[];
late Timer? _discoverySearchTimer;
Future createSocket(void Function(String) fn, NetworkInterface bindInterface,
String bindAddress) async {
RawDatagramSocket _socket = await RawDatagramSocket.bind(bindAddress, 0);
_socket.broadcastEnabled = true;
_socket.multicastHops = 50;
_socket.readEventsEnabled = true;
await _socket.listen((event) async {
print("-- listen(): received event " + event.toString());
switch (event) {
case RawSocketEvent.read:
var packet = _socket.receive();
_socket.writeEventsEnabled = true;
_socket.writeEventsEnabled = true;
if (packet == null) {
var data = utf8.decode(packet.data);
print("-- listen(): data received");
try {
_socket.joinMulticast(_ipv4Multicast, bindInterface);
} on OSError {}
try {
_socket.joinMulticast(_ipv6Multicast, bindInterface);
} on OSError {}
void stop() {
if (_discoverySearchTimer != null) {
_discoverySearchTimer = null;
void request([String? searchTarget]) {
if (searchTarget == null) {
searchTarget = "ssdp:all";
var buff = new StringBuffer();
buff.write("M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1\r\n");
var data = utf8.encode(buff.toString());
for (var socket in _sockets) {
try {
var res = socket.send(data, _ipv4Multicast, 1900);
print("-- request(): sended bytes $res");
} on SocketException {}