




Reply to Xcode SPM update multiple errors
I think I found the origin of this behavior : I recently changed my internet provider and it seems the network isn't stable. If I switch to iPhone shared network, it works like a charm. So my question now would be : how can I make sure that my internet connection is stable enough for Xcode ? Is there any settings I can play with to stabilize it? Thanks.
Apr ’21
Reply to SafeAreas for both orientation before adding a view to the hierarchy
FYI, I tried with appearance, but safeAreaInsets are .zero and safeAreaLayoutGuide is still nil, that's a shame :-/      let appearance = UICollectionView.appearance(for: self.traitCollection,                            whenContainedInInstancesOf: [UIViewController.self, UINavigationController.self])     print(" \(appearance.safeAreaInsets) - \(appearance.safeAreaLayoutGuide)")
Oct ’22