




Your Apple ID is already associated with the Account Holder of a membership.
I am trying to reactivate my membership in order to reactivate my apps, despite paying for my membership 3 weeks ago and it said it renewed. When I go to my apps I see they are Pending Agreement. So I go to the agreements section and it says i need to renew. It takes me to my account, but it does not show the company any more in the dropdown in the top right. It only has me. I see an option to enroll as a developer so I click on enroll and it says i can't enroll as I'm already an account holder. But no way to activate that membership. Can someone please help and guide us as we have 40+ apps that are no longer available in the App Store. We can't reactivate due to Apple's flow being broken. What am i missing or how do we reactivate the account ASAP? I've called 6 Apple phone numbers but they can't help with dev support. I submitted a contact us and it said they would get back in 1 to 2 business days. Unfortunately that's too big of an impact to my business, my team, my clients and their members if it's going to take this long. Please provide guidance on how to resolve. And Apple please fix your bugs. Thx.
Feb ’23