




Reply to Display Authorization plugin at screensaver unlock
If I modify the system.login.screensaver rule to use “authenticate-session-owner-or-admin” instead of “use-login-window-ui”, then the plugin is invoked but the login screen is displayed in older UI and touchid authentication doesn’t work with this screen. Has there been any update to this in the past 2-years? In other words, is the new code path that supports TouchID still not compatible with authentication plugins?
Jan ’21
Reply to Is there a way to passing a data between System Extension and App?
I’m looking for an example of how to have a method in the SimpleFirewall ViewController call a method in the FilterDataProvider class to provide 2-way communication between a hosting application and its system extension. The methods shown in the FilterDataProvider class override NEFilterDataProvider methods. It appears they are meant to be called by the NEFilterManager. I’ve had no trouble with 2-way communication between the App and IPCConnection class. I’m just unsure how to establish 2-way communication with the FilterDataProvider? It appears I can send it a vendorConfiguration dictionary as part of the filterManager.providerConfiguration, or pass an object to the completion handler when the FilterDataProvider calls up to the client application (promptUser in the SimpleFirewall example). Presumably the established XPC connection can be used to provide this 2-way communication, but the details are unclear to me.
Oct ’20
Reply to Is there a way to passing a data between System Extension and App?
I'm updating my NKE to a SystemExtension following the SimpleFirewall example. The example shows using XPC to call a method in the application (promptUser), but does not show an example of calling from the Host App into the FilterDataProvider. It does show how to register with the IPCConnection, but doesn't show the last step of calling from the IPCConnection into the FilterDataProvider. The IPCConnection doesn't seem to know of the FilterDataProvider (except to return a value from the promptUser() call). Is there a way to call directly into the FilterDataProvider?
Oct ’20