




Reply to App-specific password not available from Managed Apple ID
Hey Quinn, The new notarytool is great, and it's nice that we can use App Store Connect API keys. But you can only generate 50 API keys, and the data should be protected... For extremely large enterprises like the one I work for, I can't generate 1 key for every team. I hit our limit. We could build a central service to notarize, but we don't have that currently, and I don't know that we ever will.. though I'm investigating that. There really needs to be a way for Managed Apple IDs to be used fully with the developer program. I don't want my developers using non-managed apple IDs to access our dev program. To me that's a risk. Love that this was built to help automation, but would really like to see businesses be able to generate app password for users in ABM. Even if it means a People Manager has to enable it for the user.
Nov ’21