




Reply to Cloudkit Request Per Second
why it's so hard to get clear information about this subject ? I've been the whole day searching and still so many doubts. 1) What's exactly a request? on some places I've heard it's a fetch, but then updates are not counted as requests? 2) what does it mean is throttled by the server? 3) if there's a moment my app does 100 request in a second but then it doesn't do anymore during the whole day what happens? Something thats 100$ overcharge should me much more detailed
Nov ’20
Reply to queryDidReceiveNotification not being called (iOS 14 only)
Correct me if I'm wrong, not sure if it's the same case since we're using an API and dont know anything about Objective C or Swift. We are using an api that uses GameKit to save game progress and sync between devices, and I've noticed whenever I save a file on a device with iOS less than 14, the iOS 14 device doesn't get the changes, specially the first time. It's strange because the container that appears in the iCloud storage management appears, also the KB that is using, but the device is not able to find any saved game. If I do it the other way around it works well. iOS 14 saved games are synchronized almost immediately to the lower iOS devices. Is this the problem you are talking about? If this is the case, how can we help to ask for a fix to apple? Thanks
Oct ’20
Reply to iCloud Key-value Storage: avoid user to see contents
Thanks a lot for your response, I was a little bit familiar with encrypting and signing , and of course we will use it for KVS but my question is about users being able to see and manipulate values on KVS, even if they are encripted and signed, ( i understand no matter which encryption method you use a good hacker will be able to crack it, at least thats what I've read)So my question is more about the kvs features themselves, are they protected agains manipulation natively? Do users need to jailbreak their phones to modify these files? I really spent time looking for this information and found nothing.Thanks a lot,pistoleta
Jan ’20