Same issue. Xcode 15.3. Watch OS 10.4 :(
Thanks. I ended up using destination links as a workaround instead. Would still be curious to know why it doesn't work :)
this seemed to work somehow.
.onTapGesture {
.onChange(of: selectedMeal) { newValue in
if newValue != nil {
isShowingMealForm = true
noticed this as well
the link took me to an article about duplicate data. I thought the schema was created automatically from my model. it was for other apps I've developed. Do I have to do something special here?
I'm not deploying to production. I'm only using the development database. Is there a reason when I run the app, it doesn't build a schema automatically in the new container? It has before I'm not sure why it's not doing it now. I did reset the database environment if that broke something.