




macOS Sequoia Beta single-app mode bug
There was an option in macOS to show one app at a time with the user default like this: defaults write single-app -bool true; killall Dock and it was very handy. But now it doesn't work. Is it deprecated or is this a bug? I know there is a Stage Manager and it has similar functionality, but it has some problems for me: It minimizes the previous app on opening another, and there is no way to show one app on top of the other, which was possible and handy with the Tab key with the single-app user default. This is handy when I run the Simulator on top of Xcode, but in general I want to minimize other apps when I click on an app in the Dock. There is no option to disable animations on the opening of the app. It leaves a small padding on the left side which is distracting (I like to use apps in full width). I have been using Stage Manager since the beta came out and still can't get used to it. And I actually turn it off when I start using Xcode.
Aug ’24
On-device hang detection with threshold lower than 250 ms
There is a WWDC session about this cool instrument to detect hangs on-device: I very like this tool; it's handy and gives useful stack traces, but the threshold of 250 ms is practically too high to use in a testing environment. It would be better if there was an option like 100 ms or something like that. I think most of the people can see the scrolling hang with a duration of 100-250 ms, and it would be cool to detect such hangs with this instrument. Is there a way to set a lower threshold, or can Apple consider adding such a threshold? Thank you!
Aug ’24
Xcode 14 fully rebuilding project each time
Each time I try to run or build project with Xcode 14 (any version up to 14.0.1) it builds like it is building after Clean Build Folder, even if I changed 1 line of code. For example, Xcode 13 building my project in 220 sec for the first time (after Clean Build Folder), and after that (changing 1 line) build time is 35-60 sec. In Xcode 14 every build takes 220-240 sec. Tried to change Optimization Level, Compilation Mode (it's Incremental) in build settings, but that doesn't matter. Where do I need to look to find the problem?
Sep ’22