




Reply to Unable to pair my device for development
I had this same problem too... at first I thought I'd updated by iPhone to a newer version of iOS than that supported by my Xcode install, but it turned out not to be the problem (14.4). In the end I just restarted my phone and everything worked fine after that. Not exactly a scientific solution, but sometimes switching it on and off again really is the best solution... 🤷‍♂️
Feb ’21
Reply to Relationships between structs and detecting changes
Thanks @claude31 for the suggestion - but it feels like that could be even more complicated than just referencing the ids. In answer to your questions: The code example shown above is massively simplified - in practice the Building struct is much more complex. The Address objects are stored in an array which belongs to a custom class. That class is an ObservableObject and is being used as an EnvironmentObject. Yes, the Address and Building objects both get displayed in separate Lists. The name of a Building is edited in a SwiftUI view, and can be edited using a TextField.
Jun ’22