




Reply to does all (app) traffic go through the VPN for Per-App VPN?
Thanks for your reply. I cannot test binding on the macOS side since it is an iOS/iPadOS only app (what I know of, until silicon I guess :) ). I guess I could bind manually in a test-app though.. I tested it with and without settings for v6, and without it the app doesn't get internet (when using a ipv6-only address). So I tested without settings for v4 as well (so we don't get any traffic at all), and then the app(s) got no internet connection at all. So it seems that a Per-App VPN forces the traffic through, and if we don't register for packets/traffic the app(s) won't get internet.
Oct ’20
Reply to How to keep my VPN alive?
The wake/sleep happens when the device goes into "real" sleep, e.g. it is NOT the same as locked. I think that the OS wakes the phone when e.g. some app have scheduled background fetch or when you receive background push (maybe the system periodically wakes as well). During sleep you won't get any cpu time at all (according to my observations).You should note that the OS shuts off WiFi when going into sleep and starts it when waking up.Depending on how often you need to send the heartbeat, you should probably re-establish the tunnel upon waking up.
Mar ’20