All symptoms still present in 14.5:
CLLocation delegate methods never called.
stopAnimating never called, thus an ever increasing number of legacy processes grows geometrically.
kill -9 legacyScreenSaver required before each round of testing
My Apps passed yesterday - layered icons look perfect when loaded from the tvOS Store.
Thanks for your update - time to upload my App, hopefully all goes well.
I'd be interested to know if it passes Review muster.
Forgot to mention, I'm not a Swiftie, this is Obj-C, although I'll note that the sample Xcode ATV project written in Swift appears to work just fine.
Working from vkrips's reply, just use Shift+Cmd+5, and hold Option key when clicking on the simulator window. The grab does include the title but there is no drop shadow, so it it's easy to crop the title. Works nicely for iPhone 14.
Iif you use Credits.html as I've always done About will crash silently - no About window is displayed.
And do not get me started on how Help Books no longer work in Monterey Catalyst, and how Settings.bundle no longer works in tvOS 15.x, and .... !!!!
But asset.location does have the GPS information, so I'll just use that from now on. It seems to always be present even when {GPS} is not.
I am seeing the exact same behavior, using OBJ-C but that's probably no relevant. I first noticed it using a picture from 2017 as well. My App used to receive GPS info when querying this picture when it was run in 2020, but no longer in 2021. I have no idea when this breakage happened, but it's clear it's a bug outside my App. Too bad I have no idea how to debug this on my own ...