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Hi, ALL, This thread comes from the one here - The question now becomes - where Xcode expects to find dylib files? Running the bundle from the Terminal the default place is /usr/local/lib. You can create a post-build script to copy them in the bundle and relink them as appropriate. But that doesn't help with Xcode. I also want to know who is responsible to copy those dylibs to that place. Because during development people needs to update their dylibs. Could someone please sched some light? Its painful not to be able to debug from Xcode and do manual work in Terminal. Thank you. '
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Hi, ALL, Is there a way to have maximum text length in NSTextView? My scenario: I have NSTextView whose text will go into the DB. Since DB column is fixed size, I'd like to prevent the user to type more characters than needs to be. Thank you.
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Hi, ALL, I have a weird problem. When I started working on my project I had a laptop with OSX 10.8. I installed Xcode 5 and everything was good. I was able to run the program from the Xcode and everything was working fine. However recently I bought myself a newer Apple laptop with OSX 10.13. I installed Xcode 9.4.1, cloned my repository, opened the xcodeproject, compiled it and tried to run it. Unfortunately the program failed to start. All I see that it stops somewhere in the assembly code, even before hitting any source code I wrote. However when I open the Terminal and do: open I am able to execute it without any issues. I am also able to run the program from both Xcode and the Terminal when I update the code on my old laptop. My question would be - what I need to do in order to start working inside Xcode and not keep switching between IDE and the Terminal for testing? Thank you.
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Hi,This forum is great, but it lacks one feature - there is no way for the person to know if the reply to the thread was posted by simply looking at the forum. (S)he has to open the thread to check it.Would it be possible to implement one more column which indicates the number of messages in a thread?I'm sure people here will win from this addition.TIA!
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Hi, ALL,I am developing an application and I need to create NSOutlineView. I need it to look like the List Control (not a Tree Control). I need the control to not to have the column header. I also need the control to have 2 columns as follows:Second column will have a constant width (lets say 100 - this is not the actual width). It will be permanent for all rows in control.First column (the leftmost one) will have a width of (view_width - width_of_second_column).First column will contain the strings of the different width. The second column will contain the checkbox with the labelThere will be no horizontal scrollbar visible - the strings will be short enough to fit in the column.And as I said before - the control will not have a column header.Is creating such control with such layout possible?My understanding is that I can do something like this:[m_OutlineView setColumnAutoresizingStyle:NSTableViewSequentialColumnAutoresizingStyle];[column resizingMask:NSTableColumnAutoresizingMask];[m_OutlineView sizeToFit];but when I tried it - it didn't work.My guess is that this is because the control does not have a visible header for columns.Am I wrong?Or I am doing something wrong with the code?Thank you in advance.
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Hi, All,I am developing the project on my Mac with the Xcode.The project consists of one executable binary, couple of dylibs created by me and a 3rd party libraries which is given by the way of dylib files.My question would be following: - Is there a way to incorporate all those dylibs (mine and 3rd party) into the Application Bundle, so that all I will need to do is crate a Bundle inside the Xcode and ship it when I'm done? - If there is one - could you provide a step-by-step instructions on how to do that? I am running the OSX 10.13.6 with the Xcode 9.4.1. - If there is none - what is the way to distribute the libraries with the Bundle. Again - I'd like to get an instructions on how to do that.Thank you.P.S.: Application is created with Objective-C/Cocoa/C++.
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Hi, ALL,Is it possible to customize a cell in the NSOutlineView?Namely I'm looking for:1. Making the column that contains text occupy all available space inside the control. The view will be rendered without a header, so no title and no possibility of resizing.2. Set the alignment for the content [left/center/right]-justified text/image/controls inside the cell.As far as I understand, by default the column is set to fit the content of the cells underneath and will resize itself if the data added will be wider.Thank you.
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Hi, ALL,If this post does not belong in this forum - I apologize. Please move it as more appropriate.I started developing my program under OSX 10.8 with the Xcode 5. I did drop everything inside the GitHub repository and then continue. Everything was working fine - I was able to build and execute my program from inside Xcode.Recedntly I bought muself a new Mac laptop with OSX 10.13.6. Partly because there is no Git access from the 10.8 anymore due to certificate switch.So I get the laptop up and running, then install Xcode 9 and cloned my project on the new laptop. I didn't change anything - just proceeded to open the project inside the new Xcode (which was successful), build it (also successful) and then ran it. Unfortunately the execution failed during the start-up process somewhere in the assembly code.In order to find what I'm missing I tried to run the program from the Terminal. Opening binary failed with the following error.[quote]Can't find the file /usr/local/lib/liblibdialogs.dylib: No such file or directory[/quote]Now, the file liblibdialogs.dylib library is part of my project and I'm still writing it.My guess is that the old Xcode had this copied during the build time and therefore everything just worked.So, now my question is - what should I do in order to make the program run successfully? Is there some kind of project conversion tool to run? Or maybe there is some command I am missing in order for Xcode to do the job properly?Thank you.
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Hi, ALL,When I tried to execute the following code:[code]NSWorkspace *ws = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace];NSRunningApplication *app = [ws launchApplicationAtURL:url options:NSWorkspaceLaunchAsync configuration:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:params forKey:NSWorkspaceLaunchConfigurationArguments] error:&error];[params release]; if( app != nil ) pid = [app processIdentifier];[/code]and supply "/bin/ls" I'm getting "-1" as a pid.However when I tried to run the app bundle, I'm getting the appropriate pid of the bundle.Is there a solution for "one fits all"? Or I will have to rely om the fact that the pid of non-bundle application will always be "-1"?Thank you.
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Hi, ALL,Is there a way to find if the font is TrueType/OpenType font?Is there a property which is set for those fonts?I am doing a font enumeration with:[code]CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames[/code]then creating the font with[code]wxCFRef<CTFontRef> font(CTFontCreateWithName(fontName...));[/code]and need to see if the font I'm looking at is TT/OT....Thank you.
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Hi,I have a code which executes a call to LSOpenFromURLSpec() to start an external bundle applicfation.In order to get a pid for that application I need to have an instance of the NSRunningApplication class.Is there a simple way to get it?Thank you.
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Hi, ALL,Is there a way to catch a power cord plug/unplug or a docking station attachment notification?Or those are not exposed to the programmers?Thank you.
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"Hi, ALL,On Windows there is a call to BitBlt() which takes a "raster operation" as a parameter.The list for those operations can be found at far as I understand for Coca this correspond to this: there a clean way to map those Windows operation to Cocoa?Or maybe I'm looking at the wrong Cocoa docs?Please advise.BTW, the Apple link mentions that there is an "PDF Reference, Fourth Edition, Version 1.5, Adobe Systems, Inc.", but the page does not provide a link to the document itself.Unless this information is outdated and there is a newer document available somewhere.Thank you.
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Hi, ALL,When I try to open file open or file save dialog inside Xcode is sliding down from the top.When I try to do the same in my own program - those panels are animating from the center of the main frame.For the open panel I call[oPanel runModal];and for the save panel I call returnCode = [sPanel runModalForDirectory: ];Is there anything I'm missing?Thank you.
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Hi, ALL,Am I understand correctly, that when I set this property to YES and I have a symbolic link in the panel I will be opening the file the link is pointing to. And when I set it to NO, I will be opening the link itself.Could someone please clarify this?Thank you.
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