Program execution fail after upgrading OS/Xcode

Hi, ALL,

If this post does not belong in this forum - I apologize. Please move it as more appropriate.

I started developing my program under OSX 10.8 with the Xcode 5. I did drop everything inside the GitHub repository and then continue. Everything was working fine - I was able to build and execute my program from inside Xcode.

Recedntly I bought muself a new Mac laptop with OSX 10.13.6. Partly because there is no Git access from the 10.8 anymore due to certificate switch.

So I get the laptop up and running, then install Xcode 9 and cloned my project on the new laptop. I didn't change anything - just proceeded to open the project inside the new Xcode (which was successful), build it (also successful) and then ran it. Unfortunately the execution failed during the start-up process somewhere in the assembly code.

In order to find what I'm missing I tried to run the program from the Terminal. Opening binary failed with the following error.


Can't find the file /usr/local/lib/liblibdialogs.dylib: No such file or directory


Now, the file liblibdialogs.dylib library is part of my project and I'm still writing it.

My guess is that the old Xcode had this copied during the build time and therefore everything just worked.

So, now my question is - what should I do in order to make the program run successfully? Is there some kind of project conversion tool to run? Or maybe there is some command I am missing in order for Xcode to do the job properly?

Thank you.


>tried to run the program from the Terminal.

What was the commend used? Did it include sudo?

Did you link that lib in 'Build Phases'?