Distributing the software

Hi, All,

I am developing the project on my Mac with the Xcode.

The project consists of one executable binary, couple of dylibs created by me and a 3rd party libraries which is given by the way of dylib files.

My question would be following:

- Is there a way to incorporate all those dylibs (mine and 3rd party) into the Application Bundle, so that all I will need to do is crate a Bundle inside the Xcode and ship it when I'm done?

- If there is one - could you provide a step-by-step instructions on how to do that? I am running the OSX 10.13.6 with the Xcode 9.4.1.

- If there is none - what is the way to distribute the libraries with the Bundle. Again - I'd like to get an instructions on how to do that.

Thank you.

P.S.: Application is created with Objective-C/Cocoa/C++.


You are describing an "app". What you need is to save your main project as a stand-alone workspace. Then, you can add other projects into your workspace. This will create connections between them so you can embed the products from the supporting projects into the main.

The only tricky part is setting up the directory structure. All of the project directories need to be siblings. Each project directory will have a project file and yet another directory (maybe more) for source code.