Hi guys,
I am trying to implement multiple cell types in one section with Compoisitonal Layout.I am trying to use custom group for section elements but with custom group implementation orthogonalScrollingBehavior does not work.
private func makeRestaurantCarouselLayout(sectionIndex: Int) -> NSCollectionLayoutSection? {
guard let delegate else { return nil }
/// element will be showed in section
let items = delegate.getSectionItems(with: sectionIndex)
let customGroup = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.custom(layoutSize:
.init(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1.0),
heightDimension: .fractionalWidth(0.6)) ) { env in
var customItems = [NSCollectionLayoutGroupCustomItem]()
let restaurantCarouselWidth = env.container.contentSize.width * 85 / 100
let height = env.container.contentSize.height
let seeAllWidth = env.container.contentSize.width * 20 / 100
var lastXPosition: CGFloat = 8
let spaceBetweenItem: CGFloat = 8
for item in items {
switch item {
case .restaurantSliding:
let frame = CGRect(
x: lastXPosition,
y: .zero,
width: restaurantCarouselWidth,
height: height
customItems.append(NSCollectionLayoutGroupCustomItem(frame: frame))
lastXPosition += restaurantCarouselWidth + spaceBetweenItem
case .seeAll:
let frame = CGRect(
x: lastXPosition,
y: .zero,
width: seeAllWidth,
height: height
customItems.append(NSCollectionLayoutGroupCustomItem(frame: frame))
lastXPosition += seeAllWidth + spaceBetweenItem
return customItems
let section = NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: customGroup)
/// not working
section.orthogonalScrollingBehavior = .continuous
section.contentInsets = .init(
top: 12,
leading: 0,
bottom: 8,
trailing: 0
return section
So I am asking that how can I handle multiple cell type in one section ? If your answer is custom group how can I use orthogonalScrollingBehavior with custom group ?
The other question to Apple there isn't any information or documentation about NSCollectionLayoutGroup.custom. Do you have plan to add documentation ?
Documentation Link: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/nscollectionlayoutgroup/3213853-custom