




RealityView session not terminating when leaving view on iOS
Everything works fine, except when tapping the navigation Back link and returning to the previous view, the AR session inside RealityView does not terminate. The green dot camera indicator stays on, it is still scanning the environment, and if the package has audio in it, the audio will still play, albeit extremely panned on the right channel. I have no issues terminating QuickLook or ARSCNView. I have a simple NavigationLink opening the RealityView... NavigationLink(destination: MyRealityView()) { Text("Open AR") } struct MyRealityView : View { var body: some View { RealityView { content in // Create horizontal plane anchor for the content let anchor = AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .floor, minimumBounds: [0.5,0.5])) let scene = await loadEntity(named: "Scene") // Add model to anchor anchor.addChild(scene!) content.add(anchor) // View Settings = .spatialTracking } placeholder: { ProgressView() } .onDisappear { //print("RealityView is disappearing. Cleanup actions here.") } .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) // Activate onTap from Reality Composer Pro .gesture(TapGesture().targetedToAnyEntity().onEnded { value in _ = value.entity.applyTapForBehaviors() }) }} I have experimented with several ways of trying to close it, and I can't figure it out. I have tried State variables and custom Back buttons. I was also trying to working with pause(), but I can't seem to get that to function either. Anyone else have this issue or know of a solution? What am I missing?
RealityView and Persistent World Data?
I was watching the Developer videos, and there was mention that RealityView handles persistent world data differently and also automatically for us. I am having an issue finding the material I need to get up to speed on that. In ARKit, I was able to place a model with the world data and recall that .map data. It even stored a reference image for the scene to help match the world data. I'm looking for the information on how to implement and work with those same features with RealityView, as it seems to be better/automatically integrated? I need help being pointed in the right direction. Sample code would be amazing.
ARView vs RealityView (iOS, iPadOS)
I have been digging through the docs and the developer videos, and I have noticed a mention to RealityView having som potential limitations with anchors and world tracking. However, I haven’t been able to locate my answers. Does anyone know (or point me to) if RealityView supports everything ARView does, and if not what are the difference? I was fooling around with RealityView today with a simple plane anchor, and the stability of that anchor didn’t seem to be as steady as I recall ARView being In the past on iPhone. I’m trying to determine if I should be rolling over into RealityView or stay with ARView on this little educational project. I would imagine the answer is to go RealityView, but I want to make sure I’m not setting myself up for failure based on any current limitations For anchors and world data.