I had the same problem. What solved it for me was to use python -m pip instead of pip install and do sanity checks after every line, ie which python and python -c 'import tensorflow' at earliest point possible.
Example, starting from a new environment:
conda create --name test-env -y python=3.8
conda activate test-env
which python # make note and compare for later
conda install -c apple -y tensorflow-deps
which python # should remain same
python -m pip install tensorflow-macos # notice the python -m pip variant
which python # should remain same
python -c 'import tensorflow' # an empty output should indicate successful import
python -m pip install tensorflow-metal
which python # should remain same
python -c 'import tensorflow' # should still work
Continue like this for every conda and pip package.
For me, the python path changed after a call to pip install ..., which ultimately caused the issue while importing tensorflow.