




Local push connectivity - detect network-lost in NEAppPushProvider
Hi, We are currently working on a baby monitor app that utilizes NEAppPushProvider to deliver push notifications since we can't rely on an internet connection. Similar to the example, we are adding and removing the matchSSIDs of NEAppPushManager to start and stop the extension for activating and deactivating notifications during monitoring. It works as expected. However, we now want to detect if the device loses the Wi-Fi connection, and I'm struggling to determine how to distinguish between intentional changes to matchSSIDs and an actual loss of connection. Is there another method to halt the extension? Thanks in advance!
May ’24
Local Push Connectivity API - Got 'Provisioning profile failed qualification' while distributing an app to the store
I have an app which uses the Local Push Connectivity API. I have requested and received the entitlement and everything is working in dev-mode, but once I try to distribute the app to the AppStore I got the following error: Provisioning profile failed qualification Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement. I was wondering if I need an other entitlement for this, mine is called Local Push Provider iOS Dev which makes me feel like there should be a Store counterpart - but I did not see how to request it on the Entitlement Request Page. Thanks for any hints!
Nov ’23
UNNotificationRequest in Single App Mode
Hi, I am currently struggling with local notifications in our "single-app-mode" - app. Basically I will schedule a notification and play a sound once it is triggered. While the app is in foreground func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) is triggered like expected, and also if the device is locked (for a short time like a few secs) this works fine. But if the device is locked a little bit longer it doesn't work - the app will be launched, but no callback seems to be triggered. (Unfortunately debugging in single-app-mode seems to be quite challenging - only "some" breakpoints are reached) I would be happy about any experiences and links to further informations regarding the single-app-mode and its corner cases. Thanks a lot
Aug ’20