




Reply to Core Data, CloudKit - Failed to find matching objectIDs for CKRecordID
I'm facing the exact same issue. Tons of messages like yours. Initial sync of a dataset containing ~10.000 records (and ~100MB on disk) takes 15 minutes while the CPU hits over 100%. Honostly, it makes me reconsidering the choice to use CloudKit as the cloud-backed datastore. I talked with several engineers from Apple, both during WWDC as well as DTS, but didn't got anything useful. Hoping this thread is going to be a push in the right direction.
Jul ’22
Reply to Behavior change in NSRunningApplication's activateWithOptions starting with Big Sur
I've just managed to make my app work correctly again using the following code. It uses deprecated functions (as of 10.9) so I don't expect those functions to disappear soon. Not ideal, but at least it does not result in a weird user experience. (OSStatus)makeApplicationFront:(NSRunningApplication*)application {     if(!application || application.processIdentifier == -1) {         return procNotFound; // Previous front most application is nil or does not have a process identifier.     }     ProcessSerialNumber process;     OSStatus error = GetProcessForPID(application.processIdentifier, &process); // Deprecated, but replacement (NSRunningApplication:activateWithOptions:] does not work properly on Big Sur.     if(error) {         return error; // Process could not be obtained. Evaluate error (e.g. using to understand why.     }     return SetFrontProcessWithOptions(&process, kSetFrontProcessFrontWindowOnly); // Deprecated, but replacement (NSRunningApplication:activateWithOptions:] does not work properly on Big Sur. } Hope it also helps you.
Dec ’20