I have the same issue in Xcode 13 beta 5. My problem exists only when I run xcodebuild from the command line. Toolchain and xcode version is set correctly to beta. Are there any updates in Feedback assistant for this bug?
@Edford I think the issue here is that the framework might have 3rd party dependencies (like mine), so the bcsymbolmap files that are produced are more than 2. This way we can't distinguish which are which and for sure there is no automated way to include the right ones in the xcframework.
EDIT: I can confirm it worked for me too to include the dsym files by specifying the full path (from ~/...)
I have the same issue here regarding the path of dSYMs and BCSymbolMaps. Even when I specify the path to the dSYM for my framework, I get this error:
error: the path does not point to a valid debug symbols file:
Actually, you can use the new delegate method topColumnForCollapsingToProposedTopColumn and return .primary. I just found it. Check the response here - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63237929/uisplitviewcontroller-in-ios-14-works-as-intended-in-landscape-mode-but-not-in.
Same case here. By default in portrait mode, the secondary controller appears.