I tried using a ";" instead of a "." in the dialog. gives a more acceptable pause between bullet points but it's not really the correct punctuation in the displayed dialog.
yes, but you have to write all the logic to do that...
Siri can recognise a specified number of phrases for you but that's about it.
The new App Intents framework will help. have a watch of the WWDC sessions on it.
just say "Show me my books". don't need your app name.
Also it seems you don't need the AppShortcutsProvider. I was able to get it working with just the AppIntent struct
struct ShowMeMyBooks: AppIntent {
static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Show me my books"
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
return .result(dialog: "These are your books")
static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = false
note: it seems the sample code in the WWDC session is wrong. its right in the video but not in the attached code.
still an issue in ios16b3
a .stride solution based on Olivers suggestion:
func myChart() -> some View {
var yAxisMaxValue = 23532 //get the min and max values from your data
var yAxisMinValue = -7633 //get the min and max values from your data
let roundedYAxisMaxValue = roundUp(yAxisMaxValue, to: 2)
let roundedYAxisMinValue = roundUp(yAxisMinValue, to: 2)
let strideValue = max(abs(roundedYAxisMaxValue), abs(roundedYAxisMinValue)) / 3.0 //max 3 axis marks above and max 3 below zero
return Chart {
//your chart layout code
.chartYAxis {
AxisMarks(values: .stride(by: strideValue)) {
let value = $0.as(Double.self)!
AxisValueLabel {
Text("\(self.abbreviateAxisValue(string: "\(value)"))")
func abbreviateAxisValue(string: String) -> String {
let decimal = Decimal(string: string)
if decimal == nil {
return string
} else {
if abs(decimal!) > 1000000000000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000000000000.0)t"
} else if abs(decimal!) > 1000000000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000000000.0)b"
} else if abs(decimal!) > 1000000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000000.0)m"
} else if abs(decimal!) > 1000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000.0)k"
} else {
return "\(decimal!)"
//round up to x significant digits
func roundUp(_ num: Double, to places: Int) -> Double {
let p = log10(abs(num))
let f = pow(10, p.rounded(.up) - Double(places) + 1)
let rnum = (num / f).rounded(.up) * f
return rnum
just tried. using .stride works. have to calculate your own values but probably a better solution than parsing debug descriptions. would be nice if we could vary stride values for different ranges eg. below 0 and above 0 but I suppose that's a different problem.
done - FB10392936 (Unable to load large number of records into the CloudKit public database.)
probably not the best articulation for a bug report but I've attached code and schema. let me know if u need anything specific.
broken again in ios16b1. doesn't crash but same error message and doesn't sync
What I used to do when I was in your situation was to create a VMware image with a macOS install and Xcode and put it on a large thumbdrive. Then go to a public library with Macs and run the virtual machine and code using that. I did that until I could afford a macbook.
I can't remember exactly how I got it to run but might be worth researching if u have access to a library or other public facility with newer Macs. not sure if u even need a Mac, maybe just a fast machine.
also have a browse of eBay or whatever classified site u have where u live. you can probably pick up an old (but newer Mac than yours) for $50 or even free.
though sounds like a **** move from whoever at apple you were talking to.
use this modifier on the view.
.transaction { transaction in
transaction.animation = nil
note that its stopped working in ios16b1. not sure if that's a bug or it was intentional.
also get this, submitted a report: FB10145913
This is absolutely the wrong way to do it - It relies on debug descriptions - but until we find another solution, this will work:
.chartYAxis {
AxisMarks() { value in
AxisValueLabel {
Text("\(abbreviateAxisValue(string: self.parseAxisValue(value: value) ?? ""))")
func parseAxisValue(value: AxisValue) -> String? {
let input = String(describing: value)
let regex = /\((\d*.0)|\((0)|\((-\d*.0)/
if let match = input.firstMatch(of: regex) {
return "\(match.1 ?? match.2 ?? match.3 ?? "")"
return nil
func abbreviateAxisValue(string: String) -> String {
let decimal = Decimal(string: string)
if decimal == nil {
return string
} else {
if abs(decimal!) > 1000000000000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000000000000.0)t"
} else if abs(decimal!) > 1000000000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000000000.0)b"
} else if abs(decimal!) > 1000000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000000.0)m"
} else if abs(decimal!) > 1000.0 {
return "\(decimal! / 1000.0)k"
} else {
return "\(decimal!)"
iOS 15.5 still broken
its not just images. I have a database that has no images and this happens. it does have a decent amount of records though - 100MB or so says the manage storage section of iCloud in the Settings app. iOS15.4.1
happens in iOS15.2. still an issue. have to re-login to iCloud and then restart device to get CoreData-CloudKit syncing to resume.
Seems iCloud kicks you out with large sync volumes and then locks up.