Hi all I am trying to understand the values that are returned to me when I use ARKit's projectPoint function.
I know that arframe.camera.imageResolution = (1920.0, 1440.0), and I know that my screen size is (390.0 ,844.0)
So, when I use the function I write: arframe.camera.projectPoint(point: p, orientation: .portrait, viewportSize: (390.0 ,844.0)
This returns (x, y) but it is the case that x > 390.0 and y > 844.0 sometimes. Furthermore, sometimes, x and y are negative values.
I am confused about how the function returns values that are greater than the viewportsize we gave. I am also confused by the values themselves are negative.
My goal is to take a point, p, where p = (x,y,z) and convert it to p' = (x',y') where (x',y') are in range 0 - 1 as that corresponds to how pixels are organized on the phone screen.
Any advice is appreciated :)
I am looking for tech details on the LiDAR camera that the iPhone 12 uses. I looked online and found nothing.
An approach to gain some information was to print the ARFrame's current stats, e.g: arframe.camera , arframe.capturedImage , etc ..
Are there any other things I can do.
Thank you (:
Hi all,
I am trying to build a bluetooth application that has the iPhone behave as the peripheral.
Following along with:
I have a class in a separate file that wraps the CBPeripheralManager.
I know that the class CBPeripheral allows me to access a peripheral's characteristics and services, but I do not know how to properly instantiate it to view the local devices properties. Is it possible to view the services and characteristics from my CBPeripheralManager class?
Any help is appreciated :)