




Undefined symbol: _c2i_ASN1_INTEGER when building my projec for iOS 18
Note that I am trying to build my project for IOS 18 using XCode version 16 Beta 6. I have version 18.0 of the iOS beta installed on my iPhone. My project includes pods for Firebase and GRPC-Core. I ran pod update and it installed Firebase (11.1.0), BoringSSL-GRPC 0.0.36, OpenSSL-Universal 3.3.1000, and gRPC-Core 1.65.5. When I try to build my project I encounter the following error: Undefined symbol: _c2i_ASN1_INTEGER This symbol is not referenced in my code. It's unclear which pod references this symbol - although Firebase is a likely candidate. Is anyone else encountering this issue? I'm wondering if I could safely go back to a version of Firebase that does, as the previous version I had installed (10.22.0) didn't have this issue.
Sep ’24
How to get cycling speed and cadence from natively connected sensors?
When I connect a speed and cadence sensor to my Apple Watch in Bluetooth settings I expect to see the following HKQuantity types in workoutBuilder:(HKLiveWorkoutBuilder *)workoutBuilder didCollectDataOfTypes HKQuantityTypeIdentifierCyclingSpeed, HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling, and HKQuantityTypeIdentifierCyclingCadence. However, after starting an HKWorkoutSession I only get updates for HKQuantityTypeIdentifierDistanceCycling. I know that these metrics are being updated because the Apple Workout app displays them. I have authorized my app to read and write these quantity types, so what could I be missing here? Are these quantities only available to the workout app, as I haven't found a third-party app that sees these metrics when the sensors are connected this way?
Apr ’24
How can I set the bearing for an MKLookAroundSnapshot?
I would like to be able to specify the camera bearing for taking an MKLookAroundSnapshot. When I request a scene using MKLookAroundSceneRequest I can only specify a mapItem to look at or some coordinates. When I specify coordinates the camera bearing for the snapshot appears to be North. Is it possible to specify a bearing e.g. 45 degrees (North East)? The reason why I want to do this is so that the camera can be set to look along a road as a driver would see it.
Sep ’22
How best to retrieve emails from Sign in with Apple
Hi, I'm looking to use Sign in with Apple exclusively for subscribing users during the onboarding process for my app. I've got it working fine on the app, but now want to understand how best to get the resultant emails from the customer's device to my server. Does my app need to send these email addresses from the user's device to my server, or does Apple provide a means of downloading the complete list of users currently subscribed? Any insights into best practices for keeping this list up to date and secure would be much appreciated.
Mar ’21
Watch Complication Error Message
I'm getting this error message: Missing or Invalid Principal Class: (MyAPPExtension.ComplicationController). Please check 'ClockKit Complication - Principal' Class property in WatchKit Extension's Info.plist I've check the plist entry and I have: ClockKit Complication - Principal Class $(PRODUCTMODULENAME).ComplicationController I have included the Complication Controller code with all the required methods. I've also added the ckcomplication folder generated by the simulator to the project. I cannot see my complication placeholders in either the complications gallery or by editing the watch face. I suspect that that is related to the error message. Has anyone else seen this error message?
Nov ’20
In app purchase fails only in App Store review
My app has been rejected by the App Store review team with the following reason: The app was not able to load the in-app purchase.  Next Steps When validating receipts on your server, your server needs to be able to handle a production-signed app getting its receipts from Apple’s test environment. The recommended approach is for your production server to always validate receipts against the production App Store first. If validation fails with the error code "Sandbox receipt used in production," you should validate against the test environment instead. The thing is I don't validate the receipt using a remote server. I validate the receipt locally in the app. When I test the app in the Sandbox environment I receive a valid receipt and am able to carry out the purchase to completion. I then submitted the binary along with the in app purchases and the reviewer gets nothing back when my app calls SKProductsRequest and looks for products in response in the delegate method (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response{ According to Apple's documentation for the remote server validation when the production end point returns no result the end point should be changed to the sandbox. However, I cannot find any mention of what to do in the situation where you are locally validating the receipt. Is it possible to change the environment where the SKProductRequest is made? I suspect not, that's why you have to sign in as a sandbox user. So, what am I missing here? I see a number of posts about this issue, but no resolution. Here's one example:
Jul ’20